Islam. RES means a THING; an OBJECT. If you are thinking... "but I am a human being... I am not a thing or an object"... you are on the right track. That means you are already connecting RES to RESIDENT in the sense you consider yourself a RES-I-DENT of the STATE (corporation) in which YOU THINK your physical BODY RESIDES. An IMPORT is a good or other property. Now use your critical mind... so called black people were made into "slaves"... and slaves were considered property. A so called African "slave" would be considered an import. It means "possessing a BODY". So a corporeal thing is a thing possessing a body. That means a corporeal thing is YOU... however... depending on your STATUS... YOU may not OWN your BODY. CORPORATIONS... are without a body. 🤯RES in modern usage is applied to an OBJECT (thing)... SUBJECT-matter... or STATUS. 👀 Also note that a CAPTURED VESSEL is "the res" meaning the object or thing... which can also be a person. It says that a RES-I-DENT is one who has his RES-I-DENCE (IN) a place. We have already learned that the root RES means THINGS... and that it also has different meanings depending on the THING REAL (CORPOREAL) or NOT REAL (INCORPOREAL). A RESIDENCE is a FACTUAL place of abode.... meaning it exists... and it only requires YOUR BODILY presence.
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