I was surfing YouTube and came across this interview that was conducted in 1985. The video is called How To Brainwash A Nation (above). The interview was conducted by a trained former subversive KGB agent by the name of Yuri Bezmenov.
In the video, Yuri details the 4 Steps to Brainwash a Nation to change the thinking and behavior of a population over generations, and as he was breaking down the steps, I began to see the correlation between this method Ideological Subversion and the condition of the Moors in American and worldwide. Yuri very clearly defines Ideological Subversion (which he also called "Active Measures" and psychological warfare) as "legitimate", "overt", and "open". He said, "there is no mystery", and all one has to do is open up their eyes and their ears to recognize what's happening. Yuri's summation of what ideological subversion was, "to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent, that despite the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country". Yuri says the First Step to brainwash a nation begins with Demoralization. In demoralization, you expose your ideology to your enemy over a period of 15 to 20 years. Yuri says that the process is that long and slow because that's how long it takes educate one generation of students. A generation is considered 20 to 30 years. So the idea is to educate the student, who will eventually become a parent, who will pass on his learning to his heirs, and the heirs will pass along the same ideology to their progeny. What happens is the ideology goes unchecked within these generations and a new pattern of thinking (values) replaces the customary values of your forebears. I thought to myself, that's what happened to the Moors in America, except under more barbaric and inhumane conditioning. Our education of ideological subversion was learned on the front lines. We have been demoralized as a nation through the effects of colonization in the broader sense, but to take it a step further, the same type of subversive tactic is still being employed today i.e. psychological warfare on Moorish Americans, and the Moorish people of the world. We are the only people in the world whose nationality, culture, religion, language, and history was stolen from them and re-assimilated into society as a people who never existed. So much so to the extent that we accept European "colorable (at law)" nom de guerre descriptions e.g. "black", "African American", "negro", "colored", Indian", "Christian", and "Native? American" among others as our identities, and proclaim that we are these people to the world. The whole time not knowing the social-political ramifications it plays in our daily lives, but on the international stage of world affairs. By the way, an American is already native. There is no need to make the distinction of Native before American, unless it's to separate the true from the immigrant... like Naturalized Americans. Yuri also goes on to say that demoralization is so effective because after the process is completed, factual information will mean nothing to the individual. And that even with a mountain of evidence, or even taken by force to see it for themselves, they still won't believe it until happens to them. The reason I know this to be true is because the Moors in America referring to themselves as black and African American have suffered demoralization for so long that they will argue belief systems over facts. Even if they know it's the truth, they will not accept it. I encounter this struggle almost daily, and it's exhausting. We are however starting to wake up from the slumber. Yuri says the Second Step is Destabilization. He says that now the subvert-er does not care about your ideas or beliefs. The main focus now is on economy, foreign relations, and defense systems. This step Yuri says takes 2 to 5 years. Once again, this method of ideological subversion working against Moors was ringing true. Economy (in the financial sense, a 19th-20th century concept) deals with production, consumption, exchange, and distribution of goods and services aka commerce. No economy has been affected more by colonization than that of the indigenous peoples of America. And by America I mean North (including Canada and Mexico), Central, and South America; and the adjoining Atlantic Islands. Our way of life has been seriously crippled by the European's campaign to colonize, Christianize, and exterminate the Moorish populations of the world. When it comes to Foreign Relations, we have to look no further than U.S.C. (United States Code) Title 22, Foreign Relations and Intercourse, Chapter 2., Sections 141 through 143, in 1956 when then President Eisenhower repealed the Consular Courts eliminating the layers of protections we had when dealing with the colonists. The United States of America has been playing a long game which is evident in the law and the suppressed history of the Moors. And finally Defense Systems. Our defense systems were compromised long ago by illegal legislation passed by Europeans to denationalize the "de Jure" people of the land over time. The Christian Black Codes of 1724 (Codes Noir), to The Civil Rights Movement (which speaks for itself), and Minimum Mandatory Sentencing which has flooded the prison population with lost Moors are perfect examples just to name a few. Plea deals incapacitate Moors by revoking inalienable rights (rights by inheritance can not be taken) that impacts our futures after adjudication and the penalty served. Plea deals serve as a work around to the Acts of Attainder. The Constitution of the United States states that "NO crime works an attainder". To Attaint (at law) means to corrupt one's blood, dishonor, and to make one incapable of inheriting land (real estate), tenements, or hereditaments. This is why they ask you if you are entering into the plea voluntarily, because an heir can never give away or sell their right of inheritance, but if you enter into CONTRACT (plea deal), then you render yourself unable to inherit... which makes it legal... although it is not actually lawful. Now they strip you of so called Civil Rights and you literally in the eyes of the law become Civiliter Mortuus, civilly dead. I could tie the "defense systems" stage of destabilization back to the Moorish plight so many ways, that in the interest of time and trying not to get too complicated, I will move to the next step of the process to keep some form of continuity. The Third Step is the Crisis Stage. Yuri says that the it may only take up to 6 weeks to bring a nation to the verge of crisis. He didn't get deep into detail, but he referenced you could see the effects of ideological subversion in Central America. So I decided to see what was going on in Central America in 1985, at the time this interview was given. Turns out there was a whole Central American Crisis where the U.S. actually feared Central American countries from being installed with Pro-Soviet communist governments that would isolate them from South America. Yuri's timeline of each stage matches up with the timeline of events in Central America at the time. Multiple countries having revolutions at the same time... and the U.S. was backing dictatorships... which shows that their attitude on foreign policy has nothing to do with so called democracy. Their interest has been, and still is commerce. The Fourth Step is Normalization. Yuri says that normalization stage happens after a violent change of power structure (government) and economy, and it will last indefinitely. Basically making people conform to imposed rules and regulations that aren't of their norm. For example, how Christian religion was forced on the indigenous Americans to replace our Moorish customs and traditions by the (Doctrine of Discovery). Or how African American even became to be in Moorish peoples long line of nom de guerres (pseudonyms) in America. That one was introduced to us by Rev. Jesse Jackson in the 90's. Now our people think we are black... an adjective, and there is no country called Black anywhere. In the video Yuri also states that, professors and Civil Rights defenders are instrumental in the subversion. He says that, "when the job is completed, they are not needed anymore... they know too much. Some of them... when they get disillusioned... (paraphrasing) think they will come to power... and that will never happen... they will be lined up against the wall and shot." Martin Luther King Jr.??? Yep, ole Michael King (birth name) had communist ties. You can research that for yourself... easily provable facts, but it lines up with what Yuri said in the video, and possibly be the reason for his assassination. Coretta Scott King, King's wife received a federal order to seal 845 pages of FBI records for fifty (50) years stating that "...it's release would ruin his reputation". There were a lot of other things King was into besides "civil rights"... but that's another story. You can pretty much guarantee his affiliation with communists are in those records. Now, you can take this same method and apply it to the state of the U.S. today, 45, and his alleged involvement with Russia, and it fits perfectly. Smells like collusion all day. And usually when it smells like collusion... it's collusion... allegedly. Yes, I know I've written a children's book, lol, and I hoped you enjoyed and learned some things. I appreciate you sharing your time with me. Keep checking in... I am constantly updating the site. Islam (Peace) M.B. Bey
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