If you are going to correct your own status, you must also learn to correct the status of other nations. A "White" woman by definition is a FREE WOMAN OF COLOR, defined as, term up to the time of the Civil War, applied to all persons NOT of the "white" race, including "Indians". Still.. we have to dissect the language, because the truth is in the details. •
1. We know COLOR OF LAW is not what it is purported to be, however... in this case... we know that COLOR is related to ethnicity & complexion, as it was applied TO ALL persons not of the "white race", including "Indians" (misnomer). 2. We know that "white" is not a race. We know "RACE" a European construct, so even when reading THEIR definitions, if you don't know that "white" is a political status and not a race, you would assume people of European descent are white people, and these women they are talking about are "white" women. 3. We know the so called "Indians" in America are not Indians. They were and are American Moors by commonality, or African Moors settled in America, or the offspring of American and African Moors. We are Americans of many complexions. The FREE ones, by Divine Law. They believe themselves to be a "white race", but according to history... that can not be. A prime example would be the Europeans mixing with the Mongoloids to escape their Germanic - Slavic ancestry by coming back into the human family as the so called [Native] American. Research $5 Indians and you'll have a better understanding of what I am saying here. • If you look up the definition of FREE WHITE PERSONS, it will tell you people of SLAVIC descent ARE NOT "FREE" [WHITE] People. Why? Because Slavs were slaves... not free. And if they were not free, they couldn't be the WHITE people. That is because the FREE WHITE PEOPLE (status), who were Muslim Moors were enslaving them. Moors kicked off the Renaissance in Europe. Up until then, Europeans lived in "The Dark Ages". These are European women with an issue. Not "White" women. Our women have never had fertility issues in all of RECORDED HUMAN HISTORY. EVER! 💯 |
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