Shout to moorishlighthouse_official for the post. 🔥
I.S.L.A.M. The state or condition of a minor; infancy. State and condition are words we will look at in a few... but let's focus on MINOR and INFANCY because that is where the true understanding takes place.An INFANT or person who is under the age of legal competence. This particular section is tricky because they use an infant or... however... if you follow the abstract... it is saying that any person... including an infant is someone under the age of legal competence. Here we see that a infant is also a MINOR... once again showing and proving that the tag MINORITY for so called "black" people has negative political ramifications.... meaning NO STANDING at law. Black Person must be taken in a generic sense... as contra-distinguished from "white". So here we see that a "black" person is different from a "white" person... and must be taken in the generic sense... well let's look up contra-distinguish.To distinguish by contrasting qualities. So at law... "black" people and "white" people have different qualities. Generic means not having a particular brand name... distinctive quality... or application... i.e. a nationality. Sense means to have meaning... signification. So a "black" person at law in the generic sense means a person of no significance. Are you following?Remember... a minority is the state or condition of a minor; infancy. Here we see that state also means the circumstances or condition of a being or thing at a given time. The RANK, situation ,or degree of a particular person... but focus on an AGREEMENT or STIPULATION. The circumstances are the attendant FACTS! Who you are at any given time determines your status. I am a Moor... but if I operate from a dead status... legally I would fall under the jurisdiction of the agreement and stipulations of being black.
The word Moor in ENGLISH is DERIVED from what they call Ancient "Greek". Now just to tie in the Phoenician + Moorish connection. Moorish... pertaining to Moors. BLOODLINE.No matter how you look at it... Moors prior to "Greeks" or after "Greeks"... were Moors... and it was the "Greeks" who called the Moorish people "black"... not US.The point I am trying to make... is that the term Moor is a noun. Whether you like it or not. Moors keep showing and proving that everyday. Whatever more I can say I will... but the truth needs no validation.
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