The point of this illustration is for you to notice the colors of the rulers crowns, and the colors schemes of the Star Spangled Banner and the flags surrounding them. What do they all have in common? It's more than the colors.
Noteworthy: All persons who couldn't prove their nationality, or can't prove their nationality were, and are ipso jure Moorish subjects. 59th Congress, 2nd Session, pages 459-460 Islam Family. The topic for this post is the Star Spangled BANNER of the United States. This is not the American flag. It is a banner of Amity and Commerce granted to the United States Republic, by the Sultan of Morocco under the Treaty of Peace and Friendship (1789) to do business in America (Al Moroc)... also known as Greater Morocco (Marocco), the Al-Maghreb Al-Aqsa, Morocco, the farthest (or most extreme) West. Since before the thought of the United States, America (the land) was under the Moorish Empire. Although many indigenous tribes lived in America, and were FREE, the land itself was annexed to the Moorish Empire by the general Hanno Bey in 475 B.C. The record of this can be found on the Bourne Stone. This of course is according to the European construct of the past, present, and future. Our people have always lived in the NOW. We recorded our history, but we didn't date it... and if so, it was according to the Zodiac, cosmic events, the seasons, or nature. We weren't dating shit B.C. Lol. Think about absurd that is, B.C. = Before "Christ" (meaning "anointed one"... a title...not a name), and A.D. = Anno Domini meaning "in the year of [our] lord"... generally referred to as after the birth or death of "Jesus", or the Christian Era. If 5000 years ago is even accurate, we weren't telling NO STORIES about a "future" Jesus or Christian Era. Dead giveaway. We will get into all that on another post, but for now let's focus on the Star Spangled BANNER... and the symbolism behind it. It actually has EVERYTHING to do with Ancient Hikuptah aka kmt (Egypt). The colors of the Star Spangled BANNER, red, white, and blue derive their origins from Ancient Hikuptah (kmt / Egypt), from the crowns of the rulers or Kings (called Pharaohs, Pharaoh translates back to "great house"). These colors had significant meaning in the ancient world Each was worn by a different ruler signifying his authority and land. These colors also represented natural and spiritual principles. White represented purity. It also represented status, nobility, and godhood (omnipotence). White was used in religious ceremonies and worn by the priest, whom also wore white sandals. The white lotus was also a symbol for the god Nefertemu who is said to have emerged from the primeval waters of Nun at the beginning of creation. Red was associated with the blood of Auset (Isis) and her protective powers. Red was also associated with Set, anger, rage, and was seen as the opposite of white. Set was also associated with the desert, and the word is derived from the Egyptian word dshrt meaning (red place). Blue is associated with the universe and the heavens (the color of the primeval waters on Nun). Blue is also associated with fertility, rebirth and creation. Amun was often depicted with a blue face, and the hair of the gods was thought to be the color of Lapis Lazuli. As for the United States... The Continental Congress conveniently left out why it choose red, white, and blue, but in 1782, the Congress of the Confederation chose the SAME colors for the Great Seal of the United States. They said red was for valor, and hardiness, white stood for purity and innocence, and blue for perseverance, vigilance and justice. Legend has it George Washington said the white represents the stars taken from the sky, and the white stripes signified the SECESSION from the Home Country. And red was taken from British colors.
There hasn't to my knowledge been any crowns ever found, however there are numerous depictions, reliefs, and recorded history of their existence.
The colors of red, white, and blue are more ancient than the United States and Britain itself, which you can SEE uses the red, white, and blue too. Make that connection and you'll see why the Star Spangled Banner and the other flags have more in common than the colors. Islam M.B. Bey Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice. I.S.L.A.M.
Professor George G.M. James was born November 9, 1893, in Georgetown, Guiana (a British Crown Colony - present day Guyana) to Finch and Margaret James. He was a professor at Arkansas A&M, and the University of Arkansas. He held degrees or certificates in history, philosophy, theology, mathematics, logic, GREEK, and LATIN. He earned the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Theology degrees from Durham University in England, and continued his studies at the London University before coming to the United States to work on his PhD. He would later go on to teach at various institutions within the United States, leaving behind a noteworthy career and legacy often overlooked by so called "black" historians. In 1954, James published "Stolen Legacy". In the book, James poses that Greek philosophy was stolen Egyptian philosophy, and that philosophy it self was foreign to Greeks, that Greek philosophy was an off-shoot of the Egyptian Mystery System, and that it was the Egyptians who educated the Greeks, and not the other way around. James challenged European scholarship from the 1930's through the 1950's, and it ultimately cost him his life. James' life was mysteriously cut short in 1954 after the release of Stolen Legacy. In an era where his colleagues where looking for approval for their scholarship from the European community, James held the line. It is believed he died a violent death at the hands of the Freemasons for revealing too many secrets. Even though the official reports state otherwise, the circumstances leading up to his death were just as mysterious. James left his friends and job in Arkansas before publishing the book. It was noticeably noted that his behavior before writing Stolen Legacy was not typical of James, as he was known to be a very disciplined individual. Not only did James' shed light on the fact that the Greeks weren't the creators of philosophy, but simply plagiarizers, he also revealed that the Moors were responsible for bringing culture to the Europeans. In the 1950's. Below are excerpts of pages 33 and 34 of Stolen Legacy. Enough said right? James' work has been supported and promoted by Doctor Asa Hilliard, Doctor John Henrik Clarke, Doctor Ivan Van Sertima, Doctor Chancellor Williams, and Doctor Yosef Ben-Jochannan. READ STOLEN LEGACY!
Islam. M.B. Bey Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice. I.S.L.A.M. If you are going to correct your own status, you must also learn to correct the status of other nations. A "White" woman by definition is a FREE WOMAN OF COLOR, defined as, term up to the time of the Civil War, applied to all persons NOT of the "white" race, including "Indians". Still.. we have to dissect the language, because the truth is in the details. •
1. We know COLOR OF LAW is not what it is purported to be, however... in this case... we know that COLOR is related to ethnicity & complexion, as it was applied TO ALL persons not of the "white race", including "Indians" (misnomer). 2. We know that "white" is not a race. We know "RACE" a European construct, so even when reading THEIR definitions, if you don't know that "white" is a political status and not a race, you would assume people of European descent are white people, and these women they are talking about are "white" women. 3. We know the so called "Indians" in America are not Indians. They were and are American Moors by commonality, or African Moors settled in America, or the offspring of American and African Moors. We are Americans of many complexions. The FREE ones, by Divine Law. They believe themselves to be a "white race", but according to history... that can not be. A prime example would be the Europeans mixing with the Mongoloids to escape their Germanic - Slavic ancestry by coming back into the human family as the so called [Native] American. Research $5 Indians and you'll have a better understanding of what I am saying here. • If you look up the definition of FREE WHITE PERSONS, it will tell you people of SLAVIC descent ARE NOT "FREE" [WHITE] People. Why? Because Slavs were slaves... not free. And if they were not free, they couldn't be the WHITE people. That is because the FREE WHITE PEOPLE (status), who were Muslim Moors were enslaving them. Moors kicked off the Renaissance in Europe. Up until then, Europeans lived in "The Dark Ages". These are European women with an issue. Not "White" women. Our women have never had fertility issues in all of RECORDED HUMAN HISTORY. EVER! 💯 |
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